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Studying in Europe

Europe is a very important continent situated in the northern hemisphere and is known for having some of the oldest civilizations. As per the United Nation there are 44 small and big countries in the European continent and 3 territories. The largest country in Europe is Russia and it has the highest population as well. European society has evolved over the years and is today the European countries have developed into a progressive society which has embraced the modernity while holding on to the traditional values and culture. This makes it very attractive for many people across the globe to live and experience the beauty and richness of the cultural heritage. Students every year go to European countries to study and explore various countries of the continent; this dream of these students is made possible by the great Europe study visa consultants because the process is a little complicated.

As there are so many countries, the process of filing visa application is complex because it varies from country to country. Each nation has its own immigration laws and policies which are similar on broader terms but you will find little differences when you dig deep into it. This makes it necessary for the applicants to go through a good Europe study visa consultant in Chandigarh which are definitely available in Chandigarh. It is advised that if possible you contact the Top Europe study visa consultant in Chandigarh for your application’s processing.

Higher Education in Europe:

All of the European countries have their own higher education system but has mostly three levels – Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree and Doctoral studies. The grading system also varies as some score students in percentage (0 to 100) while some award grade A to F, whereas some others rank them between 1 to 10 grades. There can be other grading system as well in a country.

Bachelor’s Degree: It is acquired post school and is either 3 or 4 years program (Undergrad) which is basically the base for the higher levels. Also, the pre-requisite for these is the school qualification but varies depending upon the country.

Master’s Degree: It is the post-graduation study done after completion of the Bachelor’s degree. It is basically for specialization in one field which is for one to two years duration. You need to have the Bachelor’s degree to be able to do a Master’s program. It does sometime involve the working related to the coursework or field. It is usually for the research process.

Doctoral Studies: A doctorate program is meant for research in a specific field and lasts for 3 to 4 years generally. The eligibility for this is to have a Bachelor and a Master degree. If you want to become an expert in a subject or field or want to get into the research work then it best for you to do this.

European Higher Education Area (EHEA):

All the European countries have their own education system which is govern by their own laws but all of them are a part of the EHEA which makes it easy for the students to work or study in collaboration across the European countries. It ensures that the courses and programs in all of the countries are compatible with each other so that when students of different countries come together to study or work or research then there is no difference in their education and skills. This makes the whole experience very enriching and promising.

Research Programmes in Europe: There are numerous research programmes in Europe to have a career in the research field. If you wish to go forward in that direction then you ought to visit the EURAXESS website which is the official European Union website which has all the information about the research opportunities for you. You can know about the options for getting funds for the research programmes; scholarships or funding from organizations. You will be able to get the guidance and support regarding establishing yourself as a professional researcher. Besides EURAXESS there are websites of each nation as well which you can visit to get specific details about the research programmers in that country.

Owing to the great variety of nations and their varying policies and procedures, it is necessary that you choose the Top Europe study visa consultant in Chandigarh to carry out the visa application process on your behalf so that nothing goes wrong.

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